Writing Competition: Mastering Creative Travel Writing

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a travel writer? Are you eager to share your adventures and experiences with a global audience? If so, you're in the right place. In this writing competition, we invite you to explore the world of creative travel writing and learn from the best. Join us on this journey travel writing: tips to write great travel stories and essays, and discover five invaluable tips from Guardian travel writers that will help you craft compelling stories and captivate your readers.

Five More Tips from Guardian Travel Writers

Guardian travel writers are renowned for their ability to transport readers to distant lands through their words. Now, let's delve into their wisdom and uncover the secrets of creating remarkable travel pieces.

1. Start with an Intriguing Detail

The key to grabbing your readers' attention lies in the first few sentences. Begin with an intriguing detail or anecdote that sets the tone for your story. Whether it's a vivid description of a bustling market, the aroma of street food, or a chance encounter with a local, start with something that immediately immerses your readers in your journey.

2. Make Every Word Count

In travel writing, brevity is your friend. Don't overwhelm your readers with unnecessary details. Instead, choose your words carefully and convey as much as possible with each sentence. Every word should contribute to the atmosphere and story you're trying to create. Trim the excess and focus on what truly matters.

3. Show, Don't Just Tell

One of the cardinal rules of great travel writing is to show rather than tell. Instead of simply stating facts, use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture. Take your readers on a sensory journey by engaging their senses. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes that make your travel experience unique.

4. Personalize Your Journey

While travel writing is about the places you visit, it's also about your personal journey. Share your emotions, thoughts, and reflections along the way. Connect with your readers on a deeper level by revealing how the trip impacted you. Your personal perspective adds depth and authenticity to your writing.

5. Use a Good Lens

Every writer has a unique lens through which they view the world. Your perspective is your superpower. Embrace it and let it shine in your travel writing. Whether you approach your travels with curiosity, humor, or introspection, your lens shapes your narrative and makes it distinctively yours.

Dos and Don'ts of Travel Writing

Before you embark on your writing journey, here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind:


  • Do immerse yourself in the culture and environment of your destination.
  • Do research and fact-check your information to ensure accuracy.
  • Do engage with locals and capture their stories.


  • Don't rely solely on clichés and stereotypes in your writing.
  • Don't fabricate or exaggerate experiences for dramatic effect.
  • Don't underestimate the power of editing and revising your work.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How long should my travel piece be?

The length of your travel piece may vary depending on the publication's guidelines. However, a typical travel article ranges from 800 to 2,000 words. Be sure to check the specific word count requirements of the competition or publication you're submitting to.

2. Can I write about a place I haven't personally visited?

While it's possible to write about a place you haven't visited, it's generally recommended to base your travel writing on personal experiences. Your firsthand encounters and observations will add authenticity and depth to your storytelling.

3. How do I choose a unique angle for my travel piece?

To find a unique angle, consider your personal perspective, interests, and the aspects of the destination that resonate with you. Think about what sets your experience apart from others and focus on that aspect in your writing.

4. What should I do if I'm experiencing writer's block?

Writer's block can happen to anyone. When it strikes, take a break, explore new surroundings, read other travel writing, or revisit your travel journal for inspiration. Sometimes, stepping away from your work temporarily can reignite your creativity.

5. How can I make my travel writing stand out in the competition?

To make your travel writing stand out, focus on creating a unique voice, incorporating sensory details, and delivering a personal perspective. Craft your narrative with care, edit rigorously, and seek feedback from peers or mentors to refine your work.

Final Thoughts

Embarking on a journey through the world of travel writing is an exciting adventure. By following these tips, avoiding common pitfalls, and infusing your personal perspective, you'll be well on your way to becoming a skilled travel writer. Remember, every trip is an opportunity to craft a compelling story, and your words have the power to transport readers to far-off places. So, grab your pen and notebook, and let your creative travel writing shine!

Useful Resources: https://www.mklibrary.com/updated-list-of-seven-trends-for-essay-writing-in-2022/